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The Pain Is Real   


Admin | Published on the sun Aug 04, 2024 11:01 pm | 10 Views

I began really listening to music when my pain started. I listened to it before but, when I'm in a flare and NOTHING is helping, I have learned if I'm listening to the right music for how I'm feeling, then the music can take me away and I am able to deal with my pain a little easier. I can listen to music and sometimes forget (not completely), that I am in as much pain as I am. Music just does something to me and even when I'm having a bad day I can put my headphones on and forget about the world and usually when I come back I'm in a much calmer & better mood. Music is my go to for good days, bad days, flare days, bored days, and every other day .. lol

I have 2 favorite groups. The first one being "Def Leppard" and the second one being "Pantera". Those will always be my most go to bands no matter how I'm feeling. 

So who is your go to band(s)/singer(s)? Do they help you when your day has turned to sh*t? If not what is your go to Helper? 

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